C O C K T A I L S & C L A S S I C S
Proceeds in support of El Sistema South London (ESSL) and Rotary Club of London Hyde Park programs.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas Street (519) 672-7950
Main floor seating $100 per person
Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas Street (519) 672-7950
Main floor seating $100 per person
Balcony seating $60 per person
@ 6 pm; Signature Cocktails, Charcuterie Shareables & 50/50 Draw
@ 7 pm; Entertainment - BIG BANDEMIC, RICK KISH & CONNOR BOA and more!
Proceeds in support of El Sistema South London (ESSL) and Rotary Club of London Hyde Park programs.